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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CBuzzerA class to control a buzzer connected to a GPIO pin
 CCarsTrafficLightSystemImplements traffic light control specifically for cars
 CCheckingSystemManages and operates the monitoring system for both pedestrian and vehicle detection
 CFirestoreLoggerLogger class for sending logs to Google Firestore
 CLEDControls an LED connected to a GPIO pin
 CLoggerProvides a thread-safe logging mechanism that writes messages to a file and Google Firestore
 CMainSystemOrchestrates the operations of traffic and pedestrian traffic lights, monitoring systems, and emergency protocols
 CPedestriansTrafficLightSystemManages pedestrian-specific traffic lights
 CPushButtonManages the interaction with a physical push button connected to a GPIO pin
 CSystemInterfaceInterface for system control classes
 CTimerTimer class for asynchronous execution after a specified delay
 CTrafficLightA class to control a traffic light system using LEDs
 CUltrasonicSensorProvides functionality for interfacing with an ultrasonic sensor for distance measurement
 CWarningSystemManages a warning system with three LEDs and a buzzer